Thursday, September 20, 2007

Getting Through Cancer With A Smile

Dear Friends and Loved Ones Everywhere,

There has been a fire burning in my heart ever since my recovery from breast cancer two years ago. The Lord has been calling me to my purpose all along but lately it seems the whispers have turned into shouts. I knew He sent another messenger today to remind me to keep walking forward to my destiny of using my writing gift to bring hope to women going through and recovering from breast cancer. An angel appeared to me today in Publix Supermarket as we both stood at a table filled with Breast Cancer items for sale to promote the cause. Her name was Kim Barbato. We started talking and I noticed her super short cropped hair. I asked her if she was a cancer survivor. She said yes. But she was going through it again now, and in the midst of chemotherapy, this time for a year. After so long your hair just finally starts growing back.

I caught myself is every survivor's worst fear that haunts us, whether we acknowledge it or not. My left hand reached up instinctively to protect my right chest, where my breast used to be. I told her about the book I was writing on hope. She smiled a big and bright smile. She agreed that it is impossible to battle the disease without faith. Then she cheerfully told me quite bravely that everything would be fine. She told me about a breast cancer survivor group right next door to my church! I made a silent vow to finish my book and start my speaking program. She was exactly what I wanted to write about. Those of us who beat the odds with a smile.

Also today I heard that Donna Hicken, our local newscaster who wrote an incredible book about her second bout with cancer, has found another suspicous area. It makes me realize that none of us have guarantees, except for our todays. And so I am moving on to my original goal of writiing a book of comfort and joy for cancer victims and their loved ones. I have been detoured with another passion of mine..........sharing what I learned about beauty from within after being robbed of every vestige of beauty during my cancer battle.

But God keeps putting people in my path that need hope. So hope it is! And it's time to rekindle my own hope as I count the days to my next appointment with the oncologist, Dr. Moreno, at Mayo Clinic. I always get nervous as my deadline approaches for my 6 month check-ups. And this is the yearly super visit where they scan me from head to toe.

As Emily Dickinson quoted, "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in my soul." And so I keep my miracle feathered bird ( I actually was saved Christmas Day 2004 by a miracle with a sign from God - he sent me a flock of birds) nested in my heart always to remind me of my mission - to light the candles of hope in everyone I meet.

I encourage you to pray for any one you know who is suffering with cancer and for their families and friends. It is a start. And there is power in prayer. I will be helping you fight in the columns to come and showing you how to win the battle for that peace that surpasses all understanding. You can help yourself or someone you love. God is listening and waiting to help.

Keep smiling! It's one of the best weapons you have!

In Heavenly Hope,

Rene Williams
Roman 12:12


Anonymous said...

"Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed your path".............

I hear bells ringing....we know that you earned your wings long it's time to share your journey...

keep typing girl...we love you,

Your Brother Chip

Rene Williams said...

Thanks Chipster!

I see you figured out how to leave a comment. Yay! Feel free to leave any words of your wisdom here at any time. We learn alot by walking through the fire. Your own victories encourage me. Easy does it!